How Charm Bracelets And Other Collectible Jewelry Can Be The Solution To Your Gift-Giving Woes

Doesn’t it feel like you’re always buying a gift for someone? You’ve got loved ones celebrating graduations, bridal showers and weddings, along with tons of birthdays peppered throughout. Beyond making sure you’ve got all the dates right on your calendar, you’ve now got to figure out what you’re getting all these people. Oy!
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could take the guess work out of what to get this year and for years to come? Well, we’ve got a solution: Collectibles, or the gifts that keep on giving and the gifts you can keep on giving.
No, we’re not talking about coins, stamps or Beanie Babies — it’s the more fashion-focused items we’re suggesting. For example, building a charm bracelet. You can start by gifting the actual bracelet and then present charms to attach to it after every major accomplishment or each birthday.
“Personally, I love giving charms and charm bracelets, I think it is really one of the most thoughtful and also practical luxurious gifts to give,” jewelry designer Monica Rich Kosann told The Huffington Post. “I wear my charm bracelet everyday and I even started one for both of my daughters. I find charm bracelets are a very empowering piece of jewelry for a woman — they help her cherish and celebrate all of her milestones in life.”
